I devoted the previous two columns in the Working XML series to an old friend: XM, my easy-to-use document-publishing solution. 在使用XML系列的前两期文章中,主要关注的是一位老朋友:XM,这是一种易用的文档发布解决方案。
In subsequent columns in this series, you'll learn how to use Rampart for more sophisticated forms of security. 在本系列的后续文章中,您将理解如何使用Rampart实现更加复杂的安全性。
A column switching technique composed of two columns in series connection was adopted in direct injection analysis of mitomycin C in plasma by HPLC. 本实验采用两根反相柱串联而形成的高效液相色谱柱切换装置,直接进样测定血浆中抗癌药物丝裂霉素C。
Six cation columns connected in series have been suggested to be used for removing the metal ion impurities. 本文提出采用六根串联的阳离子变换柱,去除金属离子杂质。
New separation technology for high concentration divinylbenzene is proposed in which, a new process with double columns connected in series is used to replace the crude distillation column in the conventional technology. 提出了高浓度二乙烯基苯的新型分离工艺。
Isolation and Purification of Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins from Bitter Melon Seeds by IonExchange Chromatographic Columns in Series 阴阳离子交换色谱串联分离纯化苦瓜籽核糖体失活蛋白
With the continuous adsorption process of the columns in series, m xylene was separated from mixed xylene by analog moving bed. 采用多柱串联连续吸附流程,利用模拟移动床从混合二甲苯中分离间二甲苯。
At present, the laminated rubber bearings are often mounted on the top of the basement cantilever columns in most of projects in china and abroad, but due to various factors, the series of a laminated rubber isolator and cantilever column was rarely considered a as whole. 国内外不少工程的隔震支座都放在地下室悬臂柱顶部。但由于多方面的因素,针对这种采用较为普遍叠层橡胶隔震器与地下室悬臂柱组成的串联的结构方案作为整体考虑很少。
This method was proposed on the basis of batch distillation with dynamic accumulation and continuous rectification in mode of columns in series. 该操作方法是在间歇精馏动态累积操作以及多塔串联连续精馏操作的基础上提出来的。